As we live in a digital era, everything has turned its mode with the latest technology. And the internet has played a pivotal role in this matter. Now the whole world has become a global village due to internet availability everywhere. However, getting to the internet is not so easy as it seems. Not everybody can afford such heavy packages or attain Wi-Fi connections because of the high cost. So in such situations, getting free Wi-Fi is no less a blessing in disguise. Are you looking for free internet? Accordingly, here I’m revealing some personal experiences that how to get free Wi-Fi near me. So be happy now because I am going to sort out your this plight.
How to get free Wi-Fi near me
There are copious ways that may help you to approach free Wi-Fi at your nearby places. Let’s take a look at these legitimate avenues…
Sync your Smartphone with the Hotspot of other Device
If any person in your nearby area has a mobile-data plan on his/her smartphone, then you can request to share the internet access with you. It is not so tricky. The process is too simple and you will better understand that how to get free Wi-Fi near me. Just follow these directions for how it does.
- On his/her smartphone, turn on mobile data and portable hotspot
- On your smartphone, turn on Wi-Fi and locate your nearby device
- You will be asked for the password of that device, so just enter the password and allow it to sync
Now enjoy free Wi-Fi access on your own smartphone!
Sync your one Device with another Gadget
You can also sync any gadget; laptop, PC, Tab, etc… with your smartphone, if you have a 3G or 4G mobile data connection. You have to follow the same process as described above. But the difference is that you have to wait for tethering your device to sync with your smartphone. But as the syncing is done, you will have a better understanding of how to get free Wi-Fi near me.
Get free Wi-Fi access via NetZero service
Are you looking for how to get free Wi-Fi near me for social networking, job posting, read or writing a blog, and much more like these? Then you can take advantage of NetZero. You can get access to NetZero by navigating the way given as below;

You can access the web-based NetZero email from any Internet-connected computer. The NetZero Massage Center is where you access your email account. In addition to it, you can create as many email addresses as you want for free. The NetZero Massage Center is designed to help you get the most out of your email experience.
Moreover, there are no such obligations regarding NetZero, which means you do not need to sign any contract to access this free service. So, if you think about how to get free Wi-Fi near me, this is the best way to opt for it.
Grab free internet access via Freedom Pop
All the citizens of the United Kingdom, United States, Spain, and Mexico can get free access to Wi-Fi via Freedom Pop. It must be so encouraging news for their inhabitants who look for free Wi-Fi access near them.
Freedom Pop holds one of the most munificent plans to access the Internet for free. You receive a small wireless router access point. You may carry the device with you and turn it on while you need the Internet.
This device provides you with more convenience as you can sort out how to get free Wi-Fi near me. The main reason is that it works efficiently by keeping apart that where you are, and how much longer you browse…
Seek the help of Juno to access free Wi-Fi

Juno is a premier platform of free as well as some paid internet services provider to millions of computer users throughout the United States. It is renowned for offering various internet services from basic dial-up to competitive prices broadband access.
Juno expresses some incredible strategies with various service levels. Additionally, it has also designed intuitive software that got such a great attraction to the users of broad-spectrum. Because it is easy to use for millions of people who are now exploring the internet. This platform can help you to understand how to get free Wi-Fi near me.
Locate some Public Wi-Fi Hotspots
You have to locate some public Wi-Fi hotspots to get free internet access. Here I have given some suggestions in this regard. You may choose any of the convenient spots.
There are various resorts, national chains, or public spots like;
Marriot Hotels
Apple Store
Public Plazas
You may find any of these places that prove to you how to get free Wi-Fi near me. The reason behind this, I have visited most of these localities and avail free internet.
Get free Wi-Fi near you by Eduroam
Are you linked with the higher education department? Then do you know how to get free Wi-Fi near me? Yes! It’s true… Because I had really enjoyed this access in my university tenure.

Whether you are in any university across the world, you can check your nearby Wi-Fi connections. Eduroam would have been there necessarily. You just have to enter the password of eduroam once on your device or smartphone then you get free internet access, even you move to any university in the world. Your phone will automatically connect with Wi-Fi.
Use free Wi-Fi Apps
It is an admitted fact that you cannot use the internet unless you have access to it. But while you get it, you may install some hotspot database apps for future use to connect your gadget with the internet. They help you a lot to know how to get free Wi-Fi near me. Such as;
Wi-Fi Map
This is one of the best hotspot database apps, that is easy-to-use with a long list of hotspots. Wi-Fi Map assumes as a patronizing tool for finding all of the Wi-Fi hotspots in your area. In addition, it ensures the passwords to certain security-protected networks. It itemizes all of the Wi-Fi networks in your area by distance from your current location in such a generous manner.
Swift Wi-Fi
If you are still seeking how to get free Wi-Fi near me, you’ve landed on the right spot. Because Swift Wi-Fi is a crucial app for managing Wi-Fi networks. It permits you to connect to free Wi-Fi networks at any time and any place. It gives you great access to high-speed free internet at your home, at the workplace, while shopping, or even traveling abroad.
Osmino Wi-Fi
Osmino Wi-Fi is a Wi-Fi network manager for, especially Android headsets. Like other apps, it also helps you find all the free Wi-Fi networks around you. Wherever you go; bus stations, hotels, parks, grocery stores, restaurants, public plazas, etc… this app lets you know if there is the availability of how to get free Wi-Fi near me.
Avast Wi-Fi Finder
It is a good dispatch for Android users because it is a free application that lets you find all free Wi-Fi networks around you. It assists you to keep updated about the latest Wi-Fi hotspots in your nearby areas. Thus, you might be alerted to get free access to the internet by Avast Wi-Fi finder. It is absolutely a wonderful app that helps me a lot to solve the mystery of how to get free Wi-Fi near me.
Wi-Fi Analyzer
You have got a lot of info for some applications regarding how to get free Wi-Fi near me. But sometimes you may face some problems while finding the most suitable connection, or the best channel/place to access Wi-Fi. Your PC, laptop, mobile phones, and even any device may cause some trouble locating the exact router by turning it on. In this circumstance, Wi-Fi Analyzer aids you to analyze the root causes of the said issue and pave the way to connect your device to your wireless network.
Wi-Fi Warden
To monitor your Wi-Fi device, Wi-Fi Warden proves itself as a leading application. This lightweight app is accessible for Android devices and so easy to use. Primarily, it grants you free and secured access to Wi-Fi networks, particularly, some WPS-protected networks. It detects any sort of intrusions of any Wi-Fi adapter. Moreover, it supervises to check frequency modem manufacturer, encryption, channel, security, find the distance to the router, name, and power with Mac address of wireless access points around it.
Wi-Fi Magic
Wi-Fi Magic is formerly known as Mandic magic. It avows as a social network for public Wi-Fi passwords. It helps you to locate the closest Wi-Fi hotspot but has no direct approach to your passwords. Wi-Fi Magic app shows its magic across the world, even in remote areas like; Patagonia, Greenland, and Central Africa. In this way, it keeps you from avoiding the use of high-cost roaming during foreign tours along with sorting out how to get free Wi-Fi near me.
Wi-Fi Password Recovery
Its name indicates its concerns. If you connect your device with any Wi-Fi connection, then might be possible that unwittingly you forget the password to connect again. In such a situation, you may install a Wi-Fi Password Recovery application on your device. It recovers the password that you enter before to get free access to the internet. So, it proves itself as a very useful tool for netizens.
Instabridge is an app that is excessively used in order to know how to get free Wi-Fi near me. It is a crowd-sourced application showing you all the Wi-Fi hotspots around you. Then your device automatically connects with the internet as you are in the range. Off the screen, actually, the hotspots that sync with your device enter into their database and expose to other users where it is. As you are in the range of that Wi-Fi, instabridge allows your device to connect instinctively.